विलोम शब्द
Q 1.विलोम शब्द की दृष्टि से इनमें से सही युग्म है-
(a) आकीर्ण-विकीर्ण
(c) आदृत-निरावृत
(b) ईप्सित-अभीप्सित
(d) दोष-सदोष
उत्तर (d)
Q 2.’सुलभ’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) दुष्प्राप्य
(c) अप्राप्य
(b) अलब्ध
(d) दुर्लभ
उत्तर (d)
Q 3. ‘दीर्घायु’ का विलोम होगा-
(a) चिरायु
(b) अल्पायु
(c) नश्वर
(d) क्षणिक
उत्तर (b)
Q 4.’व्यष्टि’ का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) समास
(c) समष्टि
उत्तर (c)
(b) समवेत
(d) समस्त
Q 5.’उपमेय’ का सर्वथा उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) अनुपमेय
(c) अनुपम
(b) अतुलनीय
(d) अनुपमित
उत्तर (a)
6. ‘भूगोल’ का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) इतिहास
(c) ध्रुवगोल
(b) अंतरिक्ष
(d) खगोल
उत्तर (d)
7. ‘सहयोगी’ का सर्वथा उपयुक्त विपरीर्थक शब्द है-
(a) प्रतियोगी
(b) प्रतिद्वन्द्वी
(c) प्रतिरोधी
(d) प्रतिकूल
उत्तर (a)
8. ‘जोड़’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) गुणा
(b) भाग
(c) घटाव
(d) बाकी
उत्तर (c)
9. ‘तृष्णा’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द है–
(a) वितृष्णा
(b) निस्पृह
(c) संतुष्टि
(d) वितृप्त
उत्तर (a)
10 ‘निषिद्ध’ का सर्वथा उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) निश्चित
(c) उचित
(b) विहित
(d) निर्मित
उत्तर (b)
11. निम्नलिखित में विलोम शब्दों का सही युग्म है-
(a) ईप्सित-अभीप्सित
(c) हया-बेहया
(b) अमित-समित
(d) अधी-निरघ
उत्तर (c & d)
12. ‘आविर्भूत’ का सही विलोम शब्द है।
(a) आनास्था
(c) तिरोभूत
(b) अनेकता
(d) अनावृष्टि
उत्तर (c)
13.’क्षणिक’ का सही विलोम शब्द है
(a) अल्प
(c) क्षर
(b) शाश्वत
(d) विमुख
उत्तर (b)
14. ‘अग्रज’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) अक्षत
(c) अनुज
(b) अतुल
(d) अटल
उत्तर (c)
15.विलोम शब्दों की दृष्टि से इसमें एक युग्म गलत है, वह है–
(a) अमित-परिमित
(c) आच्छादित-परिच्छन्न
(b) सत्कार-तिरस्कार
(d) सुख-दुःख
उत्तर (c)
16. ‘भौतिक’ का विलोम शब्द है
(a) आध्यात्मिक
(c) सांस्कृतिक
(b) दार्शनिक red Trade
(d) राजनीतिक
उत्तर (a)
17. ‘प्राची’ शब्द का विपरीतार्थक है-
(a) उदीची
(c) नवीन
(b) प्रतीची
(d) समीची
उत्तर (b)
18. ‘समष्टि’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) विशिष्ट
(c) अशिष्ट
(b) व्यष्टि
(d) अपुष्टि
उत्तर (b)
19. निम्नलिखित में से विलोम शब्दों की दृष्टि से युग्म
गलत है, वह है-
(a) विधि-निषेध
(c) आग्रह-विग्रह
(b) आह्वान-विसर्जन
(d) अमिय-हलाहल
उत्तर (c)
20. ‘नैसर्गिक’ का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) अनुर्वर
(b) आविर्भाव
(c) प्राकृत
(d) कृत्रिम
उत्तर (d)
21. ‘निषिद्ध’ के लिए सही विलोम शब्द है-
(a) सिद्ध
(b) अनिषिद्ध
(c) विहित
(d) घृणित
उत्तर (c)
22. निम्नलिखित में एक शब्द ‘शुष्क’ का विलोम है-
(a) उष्ण
(b) आर्द्र
(c) शीत
(d) शिष्ट
उत्तर (b)
23. निम्नलिखित में से एक शब्द ‘स्थूल’ का विलोम नहीं है.
(a) सूक्ष्म
(c) दुर्बल
(b) तन्वी
(d) शाश्वत
उत्तर सूक्ष्म
24. ‘पृथक्’ का सहीं विलोम है-
(a) एकत्र
(b) संयुक्त
(c) बकित
(d) सुघटित
उत्तर (b)
25. निम्नलिखित में एक शब्द ‘उपयोग’ का विलोम है-
(a) समुपयोग
(c) सदुपयोग
(b) निरुपयोग
(d) अनुपयोग
उत्तर (b & d)
26. इनमें से विलोम शब्दों का एक गलत युग्म है-
(a) दक्षिण-वाम
(c) विधि-निषेध
(b) उद्यम-निरुद्यम
(d) बर्बर-सभ्य
उत्तर (b)
27. निम्नलिखित में विलोम की दृष्टि से शुद्ध युग्म है-
(a) अल्पज्ञ-बहुज्ञ
(c) समस्त-अभ्यस्त
(b) संयुक्त-संधियुक्त
(d) अज्ञ-अनभिज्ञ
उत्तर (a)
28. विलोमार्थक दृष्टि से एक युग्म अशुद्ध है-
(a) सचल-बल-
(c) मौलिक अनूदित
(b) निरपेक्ष-सापेक्ष
(d) बंधन-मोक्ष
निप्त (c)
29. निम्नलिखित में से विलोम की दृष्टि से सही शब्द युग्म है
(a) आग्रह-विग्रह
(c) जारज-औरस
(b) अपकर्ष-उपकर्ष
(d) उत्सर्जन – विसर्जन
उत्तर (c)
30. ‘सदाचार’ का विलोम है-
(a) आचार
(ॐ) कदाचार
(c) अपराध
(d) अन्याय
उत्तर (b)
31.’गौरव’ का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है- 3.
(a) वैभव
(c) पराभव
(b) लाघव
(d) निर्मोक
उत्तर (b)
32. ‘अमृत’ का विलोम है-
(a) अर्क
(b) पीयूष
(c) मधुर
(d) विष
उत्तर (d)
33. ‘अनुरक्ति’ का विपरीतार्थक शब्द है-
(a) आसक्ति
(b) प्रशस्ति
(c) विरक्ति
(d) प्रकृति
उत्तर (c)
34. ‘आधुनिक’ का विलोम है।
(a) समीचीन
(b) अर्वाचीन
(c) प्राचीन
(d) समसामयिक
उत्तर (c)
35.अनुग्रह’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द होगा-
(a) विग्रह
(b) आग्रह
(c) परिग्रह
(d) संग्रह
उत्तर (a)
36. इनमें से विलोम शब्दों का एक सही युग्म है-
(a) आपत्ति -विपत्ति
(b) अवर्षण अनावर्षण
(c) गणतन्त्र जनतन्त्र
(d) आदृत – तिरस्कृत
उत्तर (d)
37. इनमें से ‘प्रथम’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द होगा-
(a) प्रधान
(c) अंतिम
(b) गौण
(d) प्रत्यक्ष
उत्तर (c)
38. ‘पोषक’ का उपयुक्त विपरीतार्थक शब्द होगा-
(a) चूषण
(c) शोषक
(b) अनपोषक
(d) क्षीणकारी
उत्तर (c)
39. ‘जंगम’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) अगम
(c) स्थावर
(b) दुर्गम
(d) चंचल
उत्तर (c)
40. ‘सृष्टि’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) विसृष्टि
(b) प्रलय
(c) व्यष्टि
(d) समष्टि
उत्तर (b)
41. ‘ईप्सित’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) अभिप्सित
(b) अनीप्सित
(c) परोप्सित
(d) सुनीप्सित
उत्तर (b)
42. ‘साहचर्य’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) वैमनस्य
(c) विनियोग
उत्तर (d)
(b) असहयोग
(d) अलगाव
43. ‘विराट्’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) वृहद्
(b) वृहत्
(c) छोटापन
(d) क्षुद्र
उत्तर (d)
44.’स्पृश्य’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) स्पृस्य
(c) अश्पृष्य
(b) अस्पृस्य
(d) अस्पृश्य
उत्तर (d)
45. ‘अज़’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) विज्ञ
(b) यज्ञ
(c) सर्वज्ञ
(d) अनज्ञ
उत्तर (a)
46. ‘गौरव’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) लाघव
(b) लघुत्व
(c) लघुता
(d) लघुतम
उत्तर (a)
47. ‘बहिरंग’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) सर्वाङ्ग
(b) अंतरंग
(c) चतुरंग
(d) अभ्यंज्ञ
उत्तर (b)
48. ‘ग्रस्त’ का विलोम शब्द है-
(a) सुप्त
(b) ग्राह्य
(c) मुक्त
(d) लुप्त
उत्तर (c)
49 .’तिमिर’ शब्द का विलोम है-.
(a) आलोक
(b) किरण
(c) रंगीन
(d) रंगहीन
उत्तर (a)
50. ‘प्रत्यक्ष’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) अपरोक्ष
(b) परोक्ष
(c) सुदर
(d) प्रत्यय
उत्तर (b)
51. ‘सामान्य’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) श्रेष्ठ
(b) सर्वज्ञ
(c) साधारण
(d) विशिष्ट
उत्तर (d)
52. ‘अमर’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) मृतक
(b) मृत्यु
(c) मरण
(d) मर्त्य
उत्तर (d)
53. ‘उपकार’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) विकार
(b) अनुपकार
(c) अपकार
(d) तिरस्कार
उत्तर (c)
54. ‘आविर्भाव’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) अनाविर्भावl
(c) अविर्भाव
(b) विभाव
(d) तिरोभाव
उत्तर (d)
55. ‘उक्त’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) अनुक्त
(b) उपयुक्त
(d) उपर्युक्त
(c) अनुपयुक्त
उत्तर (a)
56. ‘निर्दय’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) सहा
(b) सहृदय
(c) सदय
(d) सभय
उत्तर (c)
57. ‘उन्मीलन’ शब्द का विलोम है-
(a) अनुमीलन
(b) निमीलन
(c) अवमीलन
(d) मीलन
उत्तर (b)
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And, because of the tomato’s penchant for juiciness, it may work better to use a beefier variety with plenty of flesh, such as a Roma.
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Nonetheless, most historians now accept that the 1886 match between Steinitz and Zukertort was the primary official World Championship match.
The Fed responded with a number of rounds of fee hikes whereas weighing the verify of home progress and inflation fears.
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Saphir, Ann (March 3, 2008).
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United States was considered one of the biggest victories for the liberty of the press, one of the overused – and increasingly, misunderstood – phrases in trendy society.
Burial can be in teh Bellville Cemetery below the course of Wilkerson Funeral House.
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Brown has lived in an house on Harrison Road in Brooklyn since 1985 together with his wife, the animator Lisa Crafts, the place they raised their daughter Jemma.
There are two primary ways in which the price of an IPO can be determined.
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One factor I discovered unchanged: folks try to speak to me in Spanish, forcing my brain to try a language which I don’t truly know and have by no means studied, but eh, romance languages one thing one thing.
For convenience, a built-in “hill-holder” obviated the need for holding the brakes while stopped on uphill grades.
This is a topic which is close to my heart… Take care! Exactly where can I find the contact details for questions?
A low payout ratio means there’s plenty of room for generous dividend will increase.
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Good article. I’m experiencing a few of these issues as well..
Thus, on the recommendations of the Working Group of RBI on instruments of sterilization (December, 2003), a new scheme known as the market stabilization scheme (MSS) was set up.
After the absence of Narazaki, he played two instances between 18 July 2006 and 21 July 2006, losing each matches and went on a run of conceding a complete of eight targets.
She was born August 07, 1881 in Washington, Macomb County, Michigan, USA, and died August 20, 1975 in Southfield, Oakland County, Michigan, USA.
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Well, that plan might take a little bit (or so much) longer than most new car house owners think.
Mrs. Margaret Campbell of Durant, Okla., and Mrs.
If the covariant derivative is the Levi-Civita connection of a optimistic-particular metric then the geodesics for the connection are precisely the geodesics of the metric which are parametrized by arc length.
So, while a company may be earning in pounds, it can pay in dollars to its international suppliers, thanks to FX trading.
In economics, the term commodity is used specifically for economic items which have full or partial however substantial fungibility; that is, the market treats their instances as equivalent or almost so with no regard to who produced them.
You’ll be paying nearer to $7 should you set up it yourself, and nearer to $10 you probably have a professional do it.
1.50,000. Moreover, the beginners can enjoy additional benefits with the scheme of RGESS (Rajiv Gandhi Equity Savings Scheme).
But it can’t be all there is.
The layouts and designs generally include one or more number of motifs.
Solar-bleached chintzes in all the colors of a summer garden and slightly worn rugs — piled atop a sea of sisal or a bare wooden flooring — mimic a Cotswold farmhouse.
2. Try not to attempt to time the business sector – One thing that even Warren Buffett doesn’t do is to attempt to time money markets, in spite of the fact that he has an exceptionally solid perspective on the value levels proper to individual shares.
This is a topic that’s close to my heart… Best wishes! Exactly where can I find the contact details for questions?
In this blog post, we will explore the findings from brain imaging studies that shed light on how memories are formed, stored, and retrieved, offering a deeper understanding of the intricacies of eyewitness memory.
Well, it’s indeed a mix of various traditions that make India one among its kind.
Self-propelled (SP) guns destroy tanks and extra: SP guns, corresponding to this U.S.
As of January 2023, the airport affords 12 months-spherical direct flights to Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport and Dallas-Fort Worth Worldwide Airport on American Airlines.
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These insurance plans supply complete healthcare advantages whereas students are enrolled at international areas.
The bonds are over and over known as equities or bonds and comparable obligations of the party offering the bond or debenture must the truth is the social gathering obtain a debt.
Generally simply a new shade — trimmed with beads or customary of a playful animal print — will catapult a lamp into the longer term.
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Credit threat mainly arises when borrowers are unable or unwilling to pay.
It could be the identical for reverse processes and requirements.
2001 platform social gathering video recreation developed by Amusement Vision and printed by Sega.
While they may have good value, they simply are not practical to enter or exit.
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The purpose of Go Fish is to acquire essentially the most four-of-a-sorts.
Does your company picture necessitate a certain “look” that will require curves, sharp/crisp lines, or colors?
Accessorize your gothic cottagecore space with gothic-inspired artwork, vintage candelabras, and decorative components like skulls or taxidermy.
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Africa Crest Education Holdings – 16.4 percent shareholding – An investment holding company whose objective is establishing SABIS庐 operated K-12 schools across the African continent.
Alderson: William King Alderson, 88, pioneer Wilbur farmer, died at his home in Wilbur Sunday morning.
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They normally ask for 2 of the income within the course of the time it requires to repay the funds as effectively so venture capital lending could be very profitable.
Excessive circulating TMAO concentrations are associated with an elevated threat of hypertension.
Cool metal pulls enhance the vanity’s Art Deco-inspired good looks.
Wash it out and then fill it with any variety of substances to create your own personalised set of free weights.
Luke Skywalker later learned about Momin and his history during his travels across the galaxy, and described the Sith Lord’s function in constructing Vader’s fortress in his book, titled The Secrets of the Jedi.
If your vision is significantly different, move on to the next interview.
Suppose that a supervisor thinks the share price of firm A will go down.
Raymond Edward Bartholomew, Warrant Officer, No.
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In right this moment’s period, financial planning for individuals has developed.
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Gloeckler, Geoff. “MBA Pay: High B-Schools, Prime Greenback.” Bloomberg Businessweek.
As announced in January 1985, Saturn Company would have its own plant, its personal employees, its personal contract with the United Auto Employees union, and a separate seller community.
10. coli. The quick meals restaurant chain Jack in the Field started promoting hamburgers contaminated with E. coli in 1992.
Forward guidance, when partnered with conditional commitments, is both an effective and credible approach, allowing the bank to deliver on its commitment as long as the condition in question is upheld.
However, Saunders argues that debt rescheduling can become more likely if the investment ratio rises as the foreign country could become less dependent on its external creditors and so be less concerned about receiving credit from these countries/investors.
Legacy of Rome 16 October 2012 1.07 Legacy of Rome focuses on the Byzantine Empire, including new events and sport mechanics.
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For example: (i) Does the manager buy growth or value shares, or a combination of the two (and why)?
The regular Dow contract is $10 X the index.
The units in ELSS may go up and down depending on the factors affecting capital markets.
If you understand slightly concerning the different commodity types, the perceptive degree of the buying and selling of them will enhance.
If we consider mutual funds as a virtual company then its CEO will be fund managers, often known as investment advisers.
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20, 1949, in Mena, Ark.
Nevertheless, consider an alternate situation: somewhat than the worth reducing, the proportion of the worth that X is required to pay decreases.
Market influence rate is the fine measure of the liquidity of a inventory.
If that’s the case, heavy hors d’oeuvres served buffet model is perfectly acceptable.
Hair clips and bobby pins are a great way to maintain these bangs out of your eyes or to tie up free ends.
Aizawl on 9 January 2016.
1908 – 1912: The anthracite coal mining business, and its in depth use of youngster labor in the early part of the 20th century, was one of the industries targeted by the Nationwide Youngster Labor Committee and its hired photographer, Lewis Hine.
As you are looking for earnings, you will need to buy stocks when they are at the lowest rate and sell them when they are at the highest rate.
April 5, 2010. (Sept.
It appears in keeping with what we’re seeing and hearing with the economy total and it would be too early to inform whether the economic system is growing throughout the primary quarter of 2012.
He is survived by his wife Ethel at home; by two sons, John and Robert of Wilbur; by one daughter, Clara M Kirkwood of Moses Lake; by ten grandchildren; by two brothers, Floyd Wagner of Kerrville, Texas, and Clarence of Wilbur; by six sisters, Merle Toskey and Edith Robarge of Seattle; Bessie Bumgarner of Colfax, Ellen Artley of Wenatchee, Dorothy Mager of Wilbur, and Ethel Erickson of Genesee, Idaho; and by other relatives and pals.
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Business Economics. 34: 39-45 – via EBSCO Host.
Intraday traders usually face maximum risks which exist in the stock markets.
Instance: Boutique inns like The line in Los Angeles use Lightspeed for its point-of-sale and restaurant management features.
That’s why your fingers will not work if you are sporting gloves.
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Producers will make food, customers will eat producers and/or different consumers and decomposers will recycle atoms and molecules from useless organisms again into the surroundings.
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Markowitz, Harry M. (1952).
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The night storm also prompted harm in areas of latest Jersey, including Seaside Haven, Hammonton, Folsom, Port Republic, and Mullica Township.
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This is evident in statements from a multi-asset manager at Henderson World Traders to a personal finance columnist on the Telegraph.
Fewer creditors mean much less borrowing energy; the federal government would have to cut back drastically on vital programs.
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Luckily, continuing innovations over the past decade-plus have made affordable, highly efficient solar power more readily available to more people throughout the world.
Ah, bitter cream! This wealthy, fatty ingredient is cultured or acidified mild cream that incorporates at the least 18 milkfat.
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Holiday was born in London.
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As a result of the particles are gentle and the liquid dispersion medium is thick, gravity is not going to pull the particles forming the strains again to the opposite side.
They can be highly specialized, and are used in many disciplines, from clinical or therapeutic to professional settings.
Under quantitative easing, the BOJ flooded commercial banks with excess liquidity to promote private lending, leaving them with large stocks of excess reserves and therefore little risk of a liquidity shortage.
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10.2469/faj.v48.n4.74. Of course, some people will never have the opportunity to retire, due to financial or personal challenges.
The estimation is based on the budget e.g.
7 December – The new interim national union government led by Lucas Papademos submits its plans for the 2012 budget, promising to cut its deficit from 9 of GDP 2011 to 5.4 in 2012, mostly due to the write-off of debt held by banks.
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Survivors included: two daughters, Mrs.
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10.20955/es.2018.30. Andolfatto, David; Spewack, Andrew (2018).
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Part on Woore. He had had his personal studio in Hammersmith in 1918.