03rd May 2023 CURRENT AFFAIRS (Eng.Med.)

What is zero shadow Day

When does this happen in India?

Does it happen everywhere in the world?

What is Tropic of Cancer?

what is the line of capricorn

What is the effect of s shadow day?


what is zero shadow day

Zero shadow day is a condition in which the shadow of an object is not visible to a person at any place. Such a situation is caused by the motion of the earth. Such a situation was seen in Bengaluru on 25th April in India, hence it was called Zero Shadow Day.


When does this happen in India?

India This situation occurs at the time when the Sun is vertical in India. In India, the Sun shines vertically on the Tropic of Cancer on 21st June and on 21st June all the places on the Tropic of Cancer will not have a shadow.


Does it happen everywhere in the world?

No, this situation does not happen everywhere in the world, this situation is only between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. That is, this situation will be applicable only to those countries which are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.


What is Tropic of Cancer?

If we talk about the Tropic of Cancer, then the Tropic of Cancer is a latitude of 23 1 / 2 degrees north. It passes through 8 states of India – Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Tripura, Mizoram


What is Capricorn line?

The Tropic of Capricorn is a latitude of 23 1/2 degrees south. This line passes through three continents – 1. Australia 2. Africa 3. South America


What is the effect of shadow day?

The shadow day effect is not negative, just the temperature remains high. From the point of view of geography, it is also necessary for the arrival of monsoon to increase the temperature. Because the temperature will increase only then there will be low air pressure.

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