3rd May Current Affairs MCQ ( Eng.Med.)

Q 1.Consider the following statements with respect to World Development Report 2023.

1. It is an annual report released by World Bank.

2.This Report provides a comprehensive analysis of international migration and its potential to serve as a force for growth and shared prosperity in all countries.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only

b.  2 only

c.  Both 1 and 2

d.  Neither 1 nor 2



Q 2.Consider the following statements with respect to Thirunelly Temple.

1. This temple is dedicated to Lord Maha Vishnu and is famous for paying homage to their ancestors.

2.This is the only temple in the world where the devotees can perform all the rituals related to one’s life, starting from birth to death and life after death.Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only

b.  2 only

c.  Both 1 and 2

d.  Neither 1 nor 2


Q 3.Consider the following statements with respect to Mahila Samman Savings Certificate Scheme.

1 This is a one-time new small savings scheme for women and girl child.

2.This  scheme will offer a maximum deposit facility of up to Rs.2 lakh in the name of women or girls for two years at a fixed interest rate.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only

b.  2 only

c.  Both 1 and 2

d.  Neither 1 nor 2


Q 4.Consider the following statements with respect to SWAGAT Initiative.

1. The Gujarat government is celebrating SWAGAT Saptah on successfully completing 20 years of the initiative.

2. This determination gave birth to StateWide Attention on Grievances by Application of Technology (SWAGAT)

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only

b.  2 only

c.  Both 1 and 2

d.  Neither 1 nor 2


Q 5.Consider the following statements with respect to Nano DAP fertilizer.

1 use of nano urea and nano DAP will lead to a reduction in imports as well as the government’s fertiliser subsidy bill.

2.DAP is the second most consumed fertiliser in the country after urea.

Which of the statement(s) given above is/are correct?

a.  1 only

b.  2 only

c.  Both 1 and 2

d.  Neither 1 nor 2



1. C 2.C 3.c 4.C 5.C

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