भूमध्य रेखीय देश Equatorial countries

भूमध्य रेखीय देश Equatorial countries भूमध्य रेखीय देश (Equatorial countries )का तात्पर्य है कि वह देश जो भूमध्य रेखा पर स्थित है अर्थात जिन देशों से भूमध्य रेखा गुजरती है। भूमध्य रेखा क्या है ? भूमध्य रेखा जीरो डिग्री अक्षांश है यह एक काल्पनिक अक्षांश है। अक्षांश वोह रेखाएं होती हैं जो ग्लोब पर क्षितिज … Read more

Mapping MCQ #6

Mapping MCQ #6 Q 1.Consider the following pairs. Wetland       Lake Location 1.Hokera Wetland   Punjab 2.Renuka Wetland Himachal Pradesh 3.Rudrasagar Lake Tripura 4.Sasthamkotta Lake Tamil Nadu How many pairs given above are correctly matched? a) Only one pair b) Only two pairs c) Only three pairs d) All four pairs Show Answer a)Only one Q … Read more

Mapping MCQ #5

Mapping MCQ #5 Q 1.If you travel by road from Kohima to Kottayam, what is the minimum number of States within India through which you can travel, including the origin and the destination? A. 6 B .7 C. 8 D. 9 Show Answer B Q 2.With reference to river Teesta, consider the following statements 1.The … Read more

Mapping MCQ #4

Mapping MCQ #4 Q 1.Consider the following pairs:         River   Flows into 1. Mekong – Andaman Sea 2. Thames – Irish Sea 3. Volga – Caspian Sea 4. Zambezi – Indian Ocean Which of the pairs given above is/are correctly matched? A 1 and 2 only B 3 only C 3 and 4 only D 1, … Read more

Mapping MCQ #3

Mapping MCQ #3 Q1.Consider the following States1.Andhra Pradesh2.Kerala3.Himachal Pradesh4.TripuraHow many of the above are generally known as tea-producing States?A Only one StateB Only two StatesC Only three StatesD All four States Show Answer C Only three States Q 2.Which one of the following lakes of West Africa has become dry and turned into a desert … Read more

Mapping MCQ #2

Mapping MCQ #2 Q 1.Consider the following statements with respect to Khartoum. 1.It is located at the confluence of the White Nile, flowing north from 2.Lake Victoria, and the Blue Nile, flowing west from Lake Tana in Ethiopia. How many statements given above is/are correct? (A) 1 only (B) 2 only (C) Both (D) Neither … Read more