Exit polls
Election exit poll is a poll of voters taken immediately after they have exited the polling stations.Exit poll is a special type of survey which is done after all the phases of an election. For this, the Election Commission has given clear instructions that exit polls can be released only half an hour after the election. Exit polls are released by the media and some institutions.
It contacts the people who are coming out of the voting booth after casting their vote. In this, people are asked the reason behind their vote and their election priorities. Through exit polls, the support for a party or candidate can be studied during elections and it can also be ascertained which issues are most important for the voters. These are not always correct, sometimes their figures are wrong as well.
Are these different from opinion polls?
Yes, these are different from opinion polls. Opinion polls are released before elections. It is not necessary to be a voter to get information for opinion polls, in this information is obtained from people about the work done by the government.