General awareness mcq:18 OCTOBER 2024

General awareness mcq:18 OCTOBER 2024

Q1.When was the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty celebrated for the first time?

Q2.The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty is celebrated every year on 17 October. It was declared in 1992 by which organisation?
b.World Trade Association
c.United Nations General Assembly
d.National Human Rights Commission

Q3.Where is the headquarters of NSG?

4.Who has been declared to be the Chief Justice of India?
a. Justice Arun Roy
b. Justice Sanjeev Khanna
c. Justice Rajiv Kumar
d. Justice Vimal Singh

Q 5. Sanjeev Khanna will be made the new Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He is the Chief Justice of which number of the Supreme Court?
a. 45th
b. 51th
c. 46th
d. 21th

Q6. In which state has by-elections been announced on 10 seats recently?
a. Uttarakhand
b. Jharkhand
c. Uttar Pradesh
d. Bihar

Q7. Assembly by-elections are announced by whom?
a. State Election Commission
b. Election Commission
c. Government of India
d. Governor

Q8. In which state of India was the annual festival Mera Hou Chongwa organized?
a. Manipur
b. Nagaland
c. Arunachal Pradesh
d. Jharkhand

Q 9. Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla recently visited which place?
a. Beijing
b. Geneva
c. London
d. Paris
Q10. President Draupadi Murmu is currently on a visit to three African countries. Which country will she not visit?
a. Algeria
b. Mauritania
c. Malawi
d. Sudan

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