General Studies (Prelims)Paper­ 1992

General Studies (Prelims) Paper­ 1992

Q1 The gas used for artificial ripening of green fruits is

(a) Carbon dioxide

(b) Ethane

(c) Hydrogen

(d) acetylene (ethyne)

Q2 The average growth achieved during the Seventh Five­Year Plan

in India (in terms of GDP at factor cost) was

(a) 3.5

(b) 4.2

(c) 5.1

(d) 5.6

Q3 Which one of the following plants can fix nitrogen from air?

(a) Rice

(b) Wheat

(c) Pea

(d) Maize

Q4 Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound in which

central metal is

(a) Magnesium

(b) Copper

(c) Calcium

(d) Iron

Q5 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the

codes given below the lists.

List I List II

A. Islets of Langerhans 1. Calcitonin

B. Pituitary gland 2. Epinephrine

C. Thyroid gland 3. Growth hormone

D. Adrenal gland 4. Insulin


     A B C D

(a) 4 3 2 1

(b) 4 3 1 2

(c) 3 4 1 2

(d) 3 2 4 1

Q6 Which of the following are associated with Lord Lytton?

1. Rowlatt Act

2. The Arms Act

3. The Vernacular Press Act

4. Abolition of duties on the import of coarse cotton goods

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 4

Q7 India has the maximum amount of foreign trade with

(a) USA

(b) Great Britain

(c) Japan

(d) Germany

Q8 The definition of a small­scale industry is based on

(a) The market outreach of a unit

(b) The size of the sales of a unit

(c) The fact whether the products manufactured fall in a list drawn

up by the Ministry of Industry

(d) The value of the plant and machinery investment in a unit

Q9 Several states in the North­Eastern part of India were carved out

by separating them from Assam. Which one of the following pairs is

not among them?

(a) Manipur and Meghalaya

(b) Mizoram and Tripura

(c) Arunachal Pradesh and Nagaland

(d) Manipur and Tripura

Q10 Which of the following republics, besides Russia, are nuclear


1. Ukraine

2. Georgia

3. Belarus

4. Kazakhstan

(a) 1, 2 and 4

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1, 3 and 4

Q11 CMatch List I with List II and select the correct answer by using

the codes given below the lists.

List I List II

Some Languages Spoken in of Europe

A. French 1. Brazil

B. Italian 2. Mexico

C. Portuguese 3. Libya

D. Spanish 4. Mauritania

5. Algeria

     A B C D

(a) 5 3 1 2

(b) 2 5 1 3

(c) 3 1 5 4

(d) 5 3 2 4

Q12 Unemployment which occurs when workers move from one job

to another job is known as

(a) Seasonal unemployment

(b) Frictional unemployment

(c) Technological unemployment

(d) Cyclical unemployment

Q13 Which one of the following shows the correct sequence of

occurrence of four towns/ cities as one proceeds from west to east?

(a) Ajmer, Darbhanga, Kohima, Silchar

(b) Surat, Wardha, Rourkela, Bharuch

(c) Pandharpur, Gulbarga, Kottagudam, Visakhapatnam

(d) Anand, Rajkot, Dhanbad, Aizawl

Q14 The original inhabitants of India are believed to be of the ethnic

type known as

(a) Negrito

(b) Proto­Australoids

(c) Mongoloids

(d) Dravidians

Q15 Which one of the following statements regarding the election of

the President of India­is correct?

(a) A candidate securing the majority of votes is not automatically


(b) The Supreme Court has no jurisdiction in any doubt or dispute

arising in connection with the election of the President

(c) The Presidential election cannot take place when one or more

State Assemblies stand dissolved because all the State Assemblies

form part of the electoral college

(d) The total value of the votes allotted to both Houses of Parliament

is much more than the total value of the votes of all the States taken


Q16 Two richest known sources of edible protein are

(a) Meat and eggs

(b) Some algae and other micro organisms

(c) Soyabean and groundnut

(d) Milk and leafy vegetables

Q17 The single largest component in the non­plan expenditure

during 1991­92 was

(a) Interest payment

(b) Compensation to banks in respect of amount spent as loan


(c) Subsidies on fertiliser

(d) Compensation on the loss incurred by PSUs

Q18 A wooden block is floating in water. If 4/5 of its volume is

immersed in water and volume of the water displaced is 800 ml, the

volume of the block is

(a) 1140 ml

(b) 200 ml

(c) 800 ml

(d) 1000 ml

Q19 Deficit financing means

(a) An excess of governments’ current expenditure over its current


(b) An excess of government expenditures minus borrowings other

than those from the RBI

(c) An excess of government’s total expenditure over its total


(d) An excess of government revenue over expenditure

Q20 Which one of the following chemicals is responsible for the

depletion of ozone layer in the atmosphere?

(a) Chlorofluorocarbons

(b) Nitrous oxide

(c) Sulphur dioxide

(d) Carbon dioxide

Q21 If Amsterdam is X + 1, Montreal is X ­ 5, Tokyo is X + 9 and

Lisbon is X, X denotes

(a) GMT

(b) The temperature as measured by the Kelvin scale to arrive at the

temperature as measured by the Celsius s

(c) Base from which height and depth from the sea­level is


(d) The figure to be used for converting the Imperial System to the

Metric System

Q22 Dry Farming in India is extensively practised in

(a) Kanara plains

(b) Deccan Region

(c) Coromandel plains

(d) Punjab plains

Q23 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using

the codes given below the lists.

List I List II

A. Nankana 1. Guru Gobind Singh

B. Nanded 2. Guru Amar Das

C. Dera Baba Nanak 3. Guru Ram Das Nanak

D. Amritsar 4. Guru Nanak

     A B C D

(a) 4 1 3 2

(b) 1 3 2 4

(c) 4 1 2 3

(d) 3 2 4 1

Q24 Which of the following are Financial Committees of Parliament

in India?

1. Public Accounts Committee

2. Estimates Committee

3. Committee on Public Undertakings

(a) 1 and 3

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Q25 Which of the following political parties/organisations were

established by Dr. B. R. Ambedkar?

1. Swaraj Party

2. Samaj Samata Sangh

3. All India Scheduled Castes Federation

4. The Independent Labour Party

(a) 1, 2 and 4

(b) 1,3 and 4

(c) 2, 3 and 4

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Q26 Consider the maps of four islands given below:

The figures 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively show

(a) Cuba, Taiwan, Malagasy, Iceland

(b) Malagasy, Tasmania, Taiwan, Ireland

(c) Iceland, Cuba, Malagasy, Taiwan

(d) Cuba, Taiwan, Borneo, Iceland

Q27 Some Buddhist rock­cut caves are called chaityas while the

others viharas. What is the difference between the two?

(a) Chaitya is a place of worship while vihara is the dwelling place of

the monks

(b) Chaitya is the stupa at the far end of the cave while vihara is the

hall axial to it

(c) There is no material difference between the two

(d) Vihara is a place of worship while chaitya is the dwelling place of

the monks

Q28 The introduction of Pre­natal Diagnostic Techniques Bill in

Parliament was prompted by the increasing incidence of

(a) Female foeticide

(b) Failure of contraceptive devices

(c) Spurious drugs being used for prenatal immunisation

(d) Unqualified persons diagnosing pregnancy in villages by

primitive methods

Q29 Which of the following statements regarding literacy in India are


1. A person who can only read but cannot write is not defined literate

2. Children below 5 years of age are not taken into consideration

even if they are able to read and write

3. For the purpose of census, a person is deemed literate if he or

she can read and write with understanding in any of the 15

languages mentioned in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution

4. The fact that a district has attained hundred per cent literacy does

not mean that the entire population in the district is literate

(a) 1, 3 and 4

(b) 2, 3 and 4

(c) 1, 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 4

Q30 Which one of the following is the group of states that have

shown net rise in population during 1981­91 according to the 1991


(a) Punjab, Gujarat and Rajasthan

(b) Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra and Gujarat

(c) Maharashtra, Gujarat and Kerala

(d) Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Punjab

Q31 What is the increasing order of the wavelengths of the following


1. Orange

2. Indigo

3. Yellow

4. Violet

(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4

(b) 3, 1, 4 and 2

(c) 1, 3, 2 and 4

(d) 4, 2, 3 and 1

Q32 Which one of the following has merged with Tanganyika to form

the present Tanzania?

(a) Zimbabwe

(b) Zaire

(c) Zanzibar

(d) Zambia

Q33 Among the reasons for disguised unemployment in rural areas


(a) Choice of a heavy industry model for economic development

(b) Low levels of technological development in the country

(c) Heavy pressure of population along with half­hearted

implementation of agrarian reforms

(d) High illiteracy rates

Q34 Which one of the following has the highest number of female

workers as per the 1990 Economic Census?

(a) Delhi

(b) Kerala

(c) Maharashtra

(d) West Bengal

Q35 Which one of the following was given to King Charles II as part

of his dowry on the occasion of his marriage with Queen Catherina

of Braganz?

(a) Bombay

(b) Chandranagore

(c) Cochin

(d) Tranquebar

Q36 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using

the codes given below the lists.

List I List II



1. Used for measuring altitudes and angles in navigation

and astronomy



2. Used for measurement of angular distances between

two digits

C. Sextant 3. Keeps very accurate time as the one that is used to

determine longitude at sea

D. Quadrant 4. Used for measuring atmospheric pressure

5. An instrument used in the diagnosis of pregnancy

     A B C D

(a) 2 3 5 4

(b) 4 2 5 1

(c) 1 4 2 3

(d) 4 3 2 1

Q37 Given below are four wonders not usually included among the

seven wonders of the world.

1. The Great Wall of China

2. The Taj Mahal at Agra

3. The Leaning Tower of Pisa

4. The Angkor Vat Temple in Kampuchea

What is the correct chronological sequence in which they were

constructed? Choose the answer from the codes given below.

(a) 3, 2, 1 and 4

(b) 1, 4, 3 and 2

(c) 1, 3, 4 and 2

(d) 4, 1, 2 and 3

Q38 The Reggio Emilia Tournament in which an Indian won early in

1992 is related to

(a) Shooting

(b) Snooker

(c) Chess

(d) Billiards

Q39 Three important micronutrients essential for humans are

(a) Copper, zinc and iodine

(b) Zinc, copper and potassium

(c) Nitrogen, molybdenum and iodine

(d) Sulphur, copper and iron

Q40 Which one of the following was the state that was not annexed

by Lord Dalhousie by using the Doctrine of Lapse?

(a) Nagpur

(b) Udaipur

(c) Mysore

(d) Satara

Q41 Natural rubber is a plant product which is chemically known as

(a) Mucilage

(b) Gum

(c) Latex

(d) Resin

Q42 Match List I with List II and select the answer using the codes

given below the lists.

List I List II

Top Producers

A. Olives 1. USA

B. Cotton 2. Italy

C. Tomato 3. Brazil

D. Coffee 4. China

5. Indonesia

     A B C D

(a) 1 4 3 2

(b) 4 1 5 3

(c) 2 1 3 4

(d) 2 4 1 3

Q43 Deserts such as the Sahara are generally found between 20°

and 30° latitudes in the western parts of the continents. This is

because these regions

(a) Have off­shore winds throughout the year

(b) Have warm off­shore currents

(c) Lie in the belt of the doldrums

(d) Are very hot throughout the year

Q44 The bats are able to fly in dark since their wings produce

(a) Infrared rays

(b) Ultrasonic waves

(c) Sound waves

(d) Ultraviolet rays

Q45 Which one of the following diseases is caused due to defective


(a) Ulcer

(b) Haemophilia

(c) Diabetes

(d) Cancer

Q46 After the break­up of the USSR the largest country in the world

in terms of area is

(a) China

(b) Russia

(c) USA

(d) Canada

Q47 Consider the Food Pyramid given below showing the

interdependence of plants and animals in the food chain

Which one of the following in the pyramid is most delicately

balanced in the chain?

(a) Herbivore

(b) Plant

(c) Top Carnivore

(d) Small Carnivore

Q48 The year 1992 is celebrated as the 500th anniversary of

Columbus’s first voyage to the New World. In 1492 Columbus


(a) Bahamas, Cuba and West Indies

(b) Central America and West Indies

(c) Bahamas and Canada

(d) South America and Cuba

Q49 Which of the following listings are correct?

Cash Crop Plantation Crop Horticulture Crop

1. Tobacco Coconut Sugarcane

2. Sugarcane Coffee Coconut

3. Cotton Tea Cashew

4. Coconut Rubber Tobacco

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 3 and 4

Q50 With 2.4 per cent of the world’s area, how much of the world’s

population does India support?

(a) 12%

(b) 9%

(c) 16%

(d) 7%

Q51 The Indian National Congress was founded in 1885 by

(a) Dadabhai Naoroji

(b) Henry Cotton

(c) Badruddin Tyabji

(d) A. O. Hume

Q52 Consider the map given below:

In which one of the following areas is the Indian Ocean located on

the map?

(a) 90° E ­ 180°

(b) 0 ­ 90° W

(c) 0 ­ 90° E

(d) 90° W ­ 180°

Q53 Consider the graph given below:

The above graph represents the temperature and rainfall regime at

(a) Madras

(b) Bhopal

(c) Guwahati

(d) Chandigarh

Q54 Which one of the following schemes was intended to tap the

black money?

(a) UTI Bonds

(b) India Development Bonds

(c) Long term operations scheme

(d) SBI Deposit scheme

Q55 Which one of the following is correctly matched?

Ethnic Indians President/ Prime Minister of

(a) Sir Aneerood Jugnauth Fiji

(b) Ramsevak Shankar Suriname

(c) Sir Veeraswamy Ringadoo Guyana

(d) Dr. Thimoa Bavadra Mauritius

Q56 Which one of the following does not constitute part of the


(a) Nirukta

(b) Upanishad

(c) Brahmana

(d) Samhita

Q57 The share of village and small­scale industries in the total

output of the manufacturing sector is nearly

(a) 49%

(b) 35%

(c) 25%

(d) 15%

Q58 German silver is an alloy of

(a) copper, zinc and nickel

(b) copper, iron and tin

(c) iron, chromium and nickel

(d) copper, aluminium and nickel

Q59 Which one of the following is not in the State List under the

Constitution of India?

(a) Fisheries

(b) Agriculture

(c) Insurance

(d) Betting and Gambling

Q60 Which one of the following institutions providing finance to the

industrial sector was the first to be set up?

(a) Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India

(b) Industrial Finance Corporation of India

(c) Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India

(d) Industrial Development Bank of India

Q61Math resoning question

Q62 The birth rate and death rate of a country are shown in the

graph given below:

Looking at the graph it can be interred that in the last ten years

(a) Population growth­rate shows no trend

(b) Growth­rate of population has remained stable

(c) Population growth­rate has decreased

(d) Population growth­rate has increased

Q63 Math resoning question

Q64 Math resoning question

(d) 3

Q65Math resoning question

Q66 Math resoning question

Q67 Math resoning question

Q68Math resoning question

Q69 Math resoning question

Q70 Math resoning question

Q71 Math resoning question

Q72 Math resoning question

Q73 Math resoning question

Q74 Math resoning question

Q75 Math resoning question

Q76 Which one of the following was the name of salt tax in ancient

India under the administration of Cholas?

(a) Bhaga

(b) Uppayam

(c) Valiayam

(d) Hiranya

Q77 If there is any disagreement between the Senate and the

House of Representatives in USA, it is resolved by

(a) The President

(b) The Vice­President

(c) The Speaker

(d) Conference committee consisting of 3 to 9 members from each


Q78 The official associated with land revenue collection in the

Maratha administration in medieval India was

(a) Patel

(b) Kulkarni

(c) Mirasdar

(d) Silhadar

Q 79. Math resoning question

Q80 Which one of the following is used by the International Court of

Justice in disputes concerning riparian rights?

(a) Geneva Agreement

(b) Helsinki Agreement

(c) Paris Agreement

(d) Reykjavik Agreement

Q81 The All India Muslim League was formed in 1906 at

(a) Aligarh

(b) Dhaka

(c) Delhi

(d) Karachi

Q82 Which of the following crops are most suitable for cultivation

under scanty rainfall conditions?

1. Horse gram

2. Rice

3. Mustard

4. Wheat

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 2 and 4

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1 and 3

Q83 Which one of the following is a historical work by


(a) Dvasraya­kavya

(b) Prabandhachintamani

(c) Kamatakabhasabhushana

(d) Samaranganasutradhara

Q84 In which one of the following places the ‘boiling point’ of water

is the highest?

(a) Dead Sea

(b) Mt. Everest

(c) Nile delta

(d) Sunderban delta

Q85 The objective of the Morley­Minto Reforms was to

(a) Establish dyarchy in Provinces

(b) Abolish the post­of Secretary of State for India

(c) Extension of Provincial Assemblies

(d) Give more powers to local government

Q86 Assertion (A):

Minimum wages in India are fixed in accordance with the levels of

living and the labour participation ratios.

Reason (R) :

All workers covered by the Minimum Wages Acts are above the

poverty line.

Of these statements

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is correct while R is wrong

(d) A is wrong while R is correct

Q87 In which type of rocks are metals like gold and copper mostly


(a) Old igneous

(b) Old metamorphic

(c) Old sedimentary

(d) New metamorphic

Q88 One of the major towns in the Satavahana kingdom was

(a) Arikkamedu

(b) Pratishthana

(c) Korkkai

(d) Maski

Q89 Which one of the following will take place when a watch based

on oscillating spring is taken to a deep mine?

(a) It will become slow

(b) it will become fast

(c) It will indicate the same time as on earth

(d) It will stop working

Q90 Akbar’s mausoleum is situated at

(a) Sasaram

(b) Sikandraa

(c) Agra

(d) New Delhi

Q91 Thillana is a format of

(a) Kathak

(b) Kuchipudi

(c) Odissi

(d) Bharatnatyam

Q92 A body is attached to a spring balance suspended from a

stand. The reading on the balance is 0.5 kg. The two together are

detached from the stand and allowed to fall through a height. While

falling the reading in the balance will be

(a) Zero

(b) Less than 0.5 kg but not zero

(c) More than 0.5 kg depending on the height

(d) 0.5 kg

Q93 A person stood alone in a desert on a dark night and wanted to

reach his village which was situated 5 km east of the point where he

was standing. He had no instruments to find the direction but he

located the polestar. The most convenient way now to reach his

village is to walk

(a) In the direction facing the polestar

(b) In the direction opposite to the polestar

(c) In the direction keeping the polestar to his left

(d) In the direction keeping the polestar to his right

Q94 Which one of the following pairs of famous sayings and their

sources is correctly matched?

(a) Vasudhaiva Kutumbhakam : Artha Sastra

(b) Yogakshemam vahamyaham : Rig Veda

(c) Satyamevajayate : Mundaka Upanishad

(d) Satyam Shivam Sundaram : Bhagavat Gita

Q95 In which one of the South Asian countries twelve years of Civil

War came to an end recently?

(a) Cambodia

(b) Thailand

(c) Philippines

(d) Bangladesh

Q96 In ancient India the territorial name Tosali referred to

(a) The region between the rivers Jhelum and Chenab

(b) The basin of the river Son

(c) The delta of the river Cauvery

(d) The area of the river Mahanadi

Q97 Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon belongs to which of the following


(a) Tanzania

(b) Zimbabwe

(c) Thailand

(d) Japan

Q98 Gupta architecture is represented by many brick temples and

the temple of Bhitargaon is most notable for its well preserved and

moulded bricks of excellent design, this temple has

(a) A tall Gopuram

(b) A Pyramidal roof

(c) An Apsidal plan

(d) Double basement

Q99 The well known painting, ‘Bani Thani’ belongs to the

(a) Kangra School

(b) Kishangarh School

(c) Bundi School

(d) Jaipur School

Q100 Man cannot digest cellulose whereas cows can do so because

(a) Their gut contains certain bacteria capable of digesting cellulose

(b) They have a many­chambered stomach

(c) They have efficient grinding molars

(d) They produce an enzyme cellulose which can digest cellulose

Q101 The variation of temperature with heating of a solid substance,

heated at constant rate, is shown in the following figure:

Which portion of the above graph represents melting change from

solid to liquid?

(a) AB

(b) BC

(c) CD

(d) DE

Q102 Invisible trade is a trade

(a) Of corporate and financial institutions with government

(b) Of government with public institutions

(c) Of government with other countries

(d) Of the services like the banks, marine companies and shipping


Q103 Among the following Mughal rulers who was the founder of

Mansabdari System?

(a) Akbar

(b) Jahangir

(c) Shahjahan

(d) Aurangzeb

Q104 Who among the following won a Nobel Prize for literature?

(a) Ralph Bunche

(b) Phillip Noel­Baker

(c) Linus Pauling

(d) Samuel Beckett

Q105 Galvanising of sheet iron is done by dipping the sheet metal

into molten

(a) Mercury

(b) Cadmium

(c) Lead

(d) Zinc

Q106 Which one of the following correctly reflects the position of the

Upper House of the State legislature as compared to the position of

the Upper House of the Parliament?

(a) While one­third of the members of the Rajya Sabha retire every

second year, one­fourth of the members of the Legislative Council

retire every eighteen months

(b) There is no provision for a joint sitting of the Legislative

Assembly and the Legislative Council in the States for resolving

deadlocks while there is such a provision in the case of the two

Houses of Parliament

(c) While no Bill other than a Money Bill can originate in the State

Legislative Council, no Bill can originate in the Rajya Sabha

(d) While Rajya Sabha has twelve nominated members, the State

Legislative Council has none

Q107 Which one of the following is not true regarding the trends

during and after the Seventh Five­Year Plan process in India?

(a) During this period, gross domestic product (GNP) grew at an

average rate of 5.6 per cent per year

(b) Foodgrain production grew by 3.23 per cent

(c) To reduce unemployment and consequently the incidence of

poverty, special programmes like Jawahar Rojgar Yojana was


(d) Major objectives of the plan were to achieve self­reliance and

adopt measures for raising consumption standard of people living

below the poverty line

Q108 The Constitution of India borrowed the scheme of Indian

Federation from the Constitution of

(a) USA

(b) Canada

(c) Ireland

(d) UK

Q109 The Russian traveller who visited the Deccan during the

medieval period of Indian history was

(a) Rastyannikov

(b) Shirokov

(c) Pavlov

(d) Nikitin

Q110 A Voice of Freedom is a book written by

(a) Benazir Bhutto

(b) Corazon Aquino

(c) Aung San Suu Kyi

(d) Nayantara Sahgal

Q111 Which of the following are correctly matched?

1. Medha Patkar Environment Activist

2. Jamini Roy Painter

3. Bhuvaneshvari Squash player Kumari

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 and 2

(b) 1 and 3

(c) 2 and 3

(d) 1, 2 and 3

Q112 Which one of the following has been recently added to the list

of exports items in India?

(a) Rubber

(b) Sugar

(c) Coffee

(d) Rice

Q113 India’s third largest trading partner during 1989­90 was

(a) Australia

(b) Japan

(c) Malaysia

(d) Zaire

Q114 India possesses more than half the total number of the world’s

(a) Cattle

(b) Buffaloes

(c) Goats

(d) Sheep

Q115 Which one of the following was worshipped as a heavenly

God by ancient Indians?

(a) Surya

(b) Angaraka (Mangala)

(c) Sukra

(d) Sani

Q116 Gypsum is added to cement clinker to

(a) Increase the tensile strength of the cement

(b) Bind the particles of calcium silicate

(c) Decrease the rate of setting of cement

(d) Facilitate the formation of colloidal gel

Q117 ‘Terms of trade’ between agriculture and industry has

reference to

(a) Relative price movements between the two sectors

(b) Relative quantities of production in the two sectors

(c) The extent of trade existent between the two sectors

(d) Relative international valuation of the agricultural produce in

contrast to the industrial produce

Q118 In which one of the following the Gandhara sculptures of the

Buddha are typically Indian and not Greek or Roman?

(a) In the treatment of the robe

(b) In the rendering of the physiognomy

(c) In the iconography

(d) In the style

Q119 ‘Interest Rate Policy’ is a component of

(a) Fiscal Policy

(b) Monetary Policy

(c) Trade Policy

(d) Direct Control

Q120 Of the total population of India, Christians comprise about

(a) Four per cent

(b) Two­and­a­half per cent

(c) Five per cent

(d) Six per cent

Q121 Fresco paintings in the Ajanta Caves were done, while which

of the following dynasties was flourishing?

(a) Guptas

(b) Sungas

(c) Kanvas

(d) Mauryas

Q122 A deflator is a technique of

(a) Adjusting for changes in price level

(b) Adjusting for change in commodity

(c) Accounting for decline of­GNP

(d) Accounting for higher increase of GNP

Q123 Which one of the following is an element?

(a) Ruby

(b) Sapphire

(c) Emerald

(d) Diamond

Q124 ‘Tatarstan’, which figured in the news recently, is

(a) An area in Pakistan for which a group of people are seeking

more autonomy

(b) One of the 16 self­contained autonomous republics within Russia

(c) A place in Bangladesh where Muslims of Myanmar are seeking

shelter from alleged torture by Burmese army

(d) An oil rich enclave in the territory of Turkey

Q125 Water cycle refers to

(a) An integrated attempt to recycle water in relatively arid regions

(b) Constant movement of water from ocean to land and back to

ocean again

(c) Scientific management of water in areas excessively plagued

with water logging

(d) Planning of water distribution relatively dry areas

Q126 Match List I with List II and select the correct answer by using

the codes given below the lists:

List I List II

A. Asad Ali Khan 1. Surbahar

B. Sajjad Hussain 2. Tabla

C. Zakir Hussain 3. Shehnai

D. Bismillah Khan 4. Sarod

(a) 5 4 2 1

(b) 1 5 2 3

(c) 2 1 4 3

(d) 5 1 2 3

Q127 The Jharkhand region is spread over

(a) Bihar and Madhya Pradesh only

(b) Bihar and Orissa only

(c) Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and West Bengal

(d) Madhya Pradesh, Orissa and West Bengal only

Q128 Which one of the following is a Vedanga?

(a) Sruti

(b) Smriti

(c) Nirukta

(d) Samhita

Q129 It has been observed that after­effects of low temperature

treatment are helpful in promoting the flowering in certain plants.

Through this the vegetative period of plant becomes short and early

flowering takes place. This phenomenon is known as

(a) Photoperiodism

(b) Floreignation

(c) Vernalisation

(d) Heliotropism

Q130 Assertion (A):

Italy, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway have abundant power


Reason (R):

They have the largest coal deposits in Europe. Of these statements

(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A

(c) A is true but R is false

(d) A is false but R is true

Q131 The Chishti saint, in whose honour ‘Urs’ is held in Ajmer every

year, was

(a) Nizamuddin Auliya

(b) Moin­ud­din

(c) Nasiruddin Chiragh­i­Delhi

(d) Hamidud­Din Nagori

Q132 The best quality of hard wood for the manufacture of furniture

is obtained from

(a) Cedrus deodara

(b) Pinus longifolia

(c) Dalbergia sissio

(d) Mangifera indica

Q133 The non­permanent members of the Security Council of the

UN elected by the General Assembly for a two years’ term at

present include

(a) India, Austria, Ecuador, France

(b) Japan, India, Hungary, Venezuela

(c) Zimbabwe, Venezuela, India, France

(d) Morocco, Cape Verde, Belgium, Russia

Q134 The minimum possible temperature beyond which matter

cannot be cooled is

(a) ­98.10° C

(b) ­100.00° C

(c) ­273.15° C

(d) ­459.40° C

Q135 Who out of the following was not a moderate?

(a) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

(b) Dadabhai Naoroji

(c) Ferozshah Mehta

(d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

Q136 Which of the following statements regarding judiciary in India

are correct?

1. Supreme Court of India is free from the control and influence of

legislature and executive

2. Subordinate courts are at the head of the judicial hierarchy of the


3. The Chief Justice and other judges of the High Court are

appointed by the Governor in consultation with the Chief Justice of


4. A High Court can withdraw a case from a subordinate court and

can deal with the case itself if it is satisfied that the case involves a

substantial point of constitutional law

Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1 & 2

(b) 1 & 3

(c) 1 & 4

(d) 2, 3 & 4

Q137 The Garhwal Earthquake of 1991 was the result of

(a) Folding

(b) Warping

(c) Landslides

(d) Friction of Indian plate with Chinese plate

Q138 In 1921 the Session of the Indian National Congress was held

when its President was in prison and with some other leader acting

as President. Who was the Congress President in prison?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Mohammad Ali

(c) C. R. Das

(d) Abul Kalam Azad

Q139 In the World Athletic Championship of 1991 whose record did

Carl Lewis break in the 100 metres run?

(a) Calvin Smith

(b) Leroy Burrell

(c) Carl Lewis

(d) Ben Johnson

Q140 The interior regions of Eurasia have a large number of inland

seas or lakes. Which one of the following touches the boundary of


(a) Aral Sea

(b) Lake Balkash

(c) Lake Baikal

(d) Caspian Sea

Q141 Consider the diagram given below:

 S = Sun, E = Earth, M = Moon Direction of Movement

Which one of the four directions of movement as shown by arrows

(a), (b), (c) and (d) is wrong?

(a) Direction of the rotation of the Sun

(b) Direction of the revolution of the Earth

(c) Defection of the rotation of the Earth

(d) Direction of the revolution of the Moon

Q142 Which of the following are the circumstances under which an

elected member of Parliament may be disqualified on the ground of


1. If he voluntarily gives up his membership of a political party

2. If he votes or abstains from voting contrary to any direction issued

by his political party without prior permission of the political party

3. If he speaks against the political party

4. If he joins a political party other than the party on whose ticket he

contested and got elected

Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

(a) 1, 2 and 3

(b) 1, 2 and 4

(c) 1, 3 and 4

(d) 2, 3 and 4

Q143 Which one of the following statements regarding SAARC

countries is correct?

(a) No SAARC country other than India has a common border with

another member country, Sri Lanka and Maldives being islands

(b) All the countries with which India has border are members of

SAARC, Sri Lanka and Maldives being islands

(c) Except Sri Lanka and Maldives, all the SAARC countries have

common border with China

(d) Except Sri Lanka and Maldives no other SAARC country has

islands as part of its territory

Q144 Burma was known to ancient Indians as

(a) Suvarnabhumi

(b) Suvarnadvipa

(c) Yavadvipa

(d) Malayamandalam

Q145 What proportion of geographical land area is under actual

forest cover in India?

(a) One­fifth

(b) One­fourth

(c) One­third

(d) Two­fifths

Q146.Math resoning question

Q147 .Math resoning question

Q148 .Math resoning question

Q149 Math resoning question

Q150 Math resoning question

Answers  1992

UPSC Civil Services / IAS Preliminary General Studies

1. D 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B 7. A 8. D 9. D 10. D 11. A 12. B 13. C 14. D 15. A 16. C 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. A 21. A 22. B 23. C 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. D 31. D 32. C 33. C 34. C 35. A 36. D 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. C 41. C 42. D 43. A 44. B 45. B 46. B 47. C 48. A 49. C 50. C 51. D 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. A 57. A 58. A 59. C 60. B 61. B 62. B 63. D 64. D 65. A 66. D 67. D 68. B 69. C 70. B 71. A 72. A 73. C 74. B 75. A 76. B 77. D 78. A 79. B 80. D 81. B 82. D 83. A 84. A 85. C 86. C 87. A 88. B 89. A 90. B 91. D 92. A 93. C 94. C 95. A 96. D 97. C 98. B 99. B 100. A 101. A 102. D 103. A 104. D 105. D 106. B 107. D 108. B 109. D 110. D 111. D 112. A 113. B 114. A 115. A 116. C 117. D 118. C 119. B 120. B 121. A 122. A 123. D 124. B 125. B 126. D 127. C 128. C 129. C 130. C 44/44 131. B 132. C 133. B 134. C 135. D 136. C 137. D 138. C 139. B 140. D 141. C 142. B 143. A 144. A 145. A 146. B 147. A 148. D 149. A 150. B

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