How should you prepare for the personality test?
First of all, pay attention to the notification regarding Union Public Service Commission Personality Test and try to understand what the Union Public Service Commission expects from the candidate through this personality test.
1. The complete curriculum vitae of the candidate to be interviewed is presented before the Board. Questions of general interest are asked to the candidate. The purpose of this interview, conducted under the chairmanship of a board of competent and impartial observers, is to examine the personal suitability of the candidate for a career in public service. Besides, it also tests the mental ability of the candidate. Obviously, in this way, along with his intellectual qualities, his social characteristics and interest in new developments are also assessed.
The qualities that are evaluated during this are mental awareness, ability to assimilate. Clear and logical ideological expression, balanced decision-making ability, diversity and depth of interests, social harmony and leadership ability, intelligence and moral integrity.
The technique of this interview is natural, direct and objective conversation rather than harsh question and answer, the aim of which is to find out the intellectual abilities of the candidate.
The purpose of the interview is neither to test the candidate’s specific nor general knowledge as this has already been done during the written examination. Candidates are expected to not only have in-depth knowledge of the specific subjects related to their academic studies but also to be aware of the happenings in their own and surrounding states and nations. Apart from this, they should also have knowledge about modern ideology and new discoveries and inventions that awaken the curiosity of educated young men and women.
Before you start preparing for personality test, you should have complete knowledge of what it is, what is its outline and what are the requirements for it.
Personality test is a test of your personality:
Your knowledge has already been checked and tested through preliminary and main examination. The purpose of personality test is to test your personality, hence it is natural that the question arises that what is the meaning of personality. We are not interested in the definitions of personality available in various academic books. For us, it is enough to have only functional information about personality.
The personality of any person is a mixture of all his characteristics like intellectual, emotional, social, cultural, behavioural, spiritual, moral, linguistic knowledge etc. That is, these are the main components of personality. Your personality is your identity and sometimes it also helps you establish your identity with yourself. Due to this, you are able to know your likes and dislikes and also find out the reasons for it. Since we all belong to the same species Homo Sapiens, we are all the same. Personality is the word that gives you your unique and distinct identity in this vast ocean of humanity.
So now that you have understood the word personality very well and have also understood that it is not a test of your knowledge but a test of your personality. So let’s start the journey of our personality development.
Points to note: Consider the term ‘Personality Test’ used by the Central Public Service Commission. He has not named it ‘interview’. Therefore, I have also chosen this word for use in this book because due to continuous reading, this idea will completely settle in your sub-conscious mind that this is a test of your personality and then your every action and Efforts will move towards the right and desired direction