What is junta ?

What is junta ?

A junta is a group of military officers who have taken power in a country by force, typically through a coup d’état. Juntas are often authoritarian and repressive, and they may suspend democratic institutions and civil liberties.

The word “junta” comes from the Spanish word for “committee” or “meeting.” It was originally used to refer to a group of people who had been appointed to carry out a specific task, such as a military campaign or a government investigation. However, the term “junta” came to be associated with military dictatorships in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Juntas have come to power in many countries around the world, including Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Greece, Myanmar, Nigeria, and Pakistan. They are often motivated by a desire to restore order or to protect national security, but they often end up perpetuating corruption and inequality.

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