What qualities should a Civil Services candidate possess?
Try to find out about the characteristics and qualities that the board expects from the candidates.
1. Mental Alertness
Asking the board to repeat questions again and again is a sign that you lack this quality.
Is. You have to be mentally alert not only to the questions asked but also to the things around you.
One has to be conscious of the entire situation as well.
2. Ability to assimilate (Power of Assimilation)
This means to what extent, how easily and how quickly you are able to understand a situation. This is the most expected quality of an officer. Therefore, before you answer any question, analyze every possible aspect of it so that you can leave an impression on the board that you have the ability to assimilate the situation.
3. Reasoning Ability
The conceptual ability based on facts and logic on a subject, which is logical and logical and with the help of which a conclusion can be reached, is called logical ability. The officer should have this ability so that he can analyze the situation objectively and find the best solution.
4. Constructive Approach
There are two ways to solve a problem: the constructive way and the destructive way. I want to explain it through a. Suppose, you are busy completing an important task with complete concentration and a child is continuously making noise in the same room. If your attitude is destructive (negative) then you can slap the child and throw him out of the room. On the contrary, constructive thinking (positive) expects you to listen to the child and find out what is the reason for his behavior and get to the root of it and solve it.
5. Leadership ability
In the prestigious post you are going to hold in the world of civil services, it is necessary for you to be energetic, visionary and full of leadership qualities. What I want to point out here is that without this important characteristic, even a person with many different positive qualities cannot become an efficient and effective public servant.
6. Decision Making Ability
The bureaucratic system is often accused of being averse to taking decisions. to the board in you
Make you realize that you do not fall in that category. to you sooner rather than later
Also has the ability to take decisions. Not only this, you also have the courage to always stand by your decisions. And even if you take a wrong decision, you are also capable of improving that decision. Therefore, if you are asked a question where you are asked about your opinion/decision, never hold back and follow the principle of “remain neutral” like a diplomat.
7. Ability to handle things diplomatically
The word diplomat is often considered negative. It is believed that if someone is a diplomat. He is either trying to evade or he is trying to be ‘too clever’ or he is devious. Although this meaning of this word is not wrong, it is not used only in this form. This word also has many positive aspects.
Let us first see the definition of this word according to the dictionary. According to Oxford Dictionary, the word diplomat means to deal with people sensitively and tactfully. This definition shows a positive meaning. This definition has two dimensions, first is sensitivity and second is intelligent understanding.
Therefore, the meaning of being a diplomat is that when you give some suggestion to someone, you should be aware of the sensitivity of that context, you should be sensitive towards public sentiments and at the same time you should also be sensitive to the fact that your suggestion Whether the country is in accordance with the constitutional, political and legal standards or not. The second word is understanding and understanding.
This is a very important word because during our daily functioning, many times such situations arise. It happens when the person standing in front of you, despite knowing the harsh reality, does not do anything wrong but you have to get your work done. The meaning of being clever here is the characteristic of humility in a person so that your work gets completed and the person does not realize that what he said has also been kept.
Since this is an important feature which will be used frequently during the service period, the Board looks for this feature seriously. Therefore, showcase your diplomatic skills to the fullest.
Point to note: Do not try to do any trick with the board. Showing the board that you have the ability to handle situations diplomatically and diplomacy and manipulation with board members are two completely different things. In which the second stage means that you are trying to fool them and definitely you should never do this.
8. Ability to handle difficult situations
Once a candidate could not answer 11 questions consecutively. A board member asked him *Why it seems you don’t know anything.’ The candidate was certainly now facing a critical situation. But still he replied calmly and politely, “Sir, I am sorry that I could not answer the questions asked by you, but I have knowledge about other subjects”. This is a very wise and sensible answer in difficult circumstances.
9. Problem solving skills
Of course, the board wants to test whether you can solve the problem or not. But this is the only quality they are looking for. This is not correct. They also want to see how you solve a problem and what art and skills you have to solve it. This is necessary because if the problem solving technique is efficient and effective, then the problem can be solved with full efficiency and effectiveness, which is the biggest demand in the government system today. It should be kept in mind that your skills and techniques should be in accordance with the constitutional and legal structure of the country.
10. Attitude
Always try to ensure that your positive thinking is reflected in the language of your words and body language. Most of the problems automatically disappear by positive thinking.
11. Be yourself (Don’t try to fake)
If you think the board can be manipulated or tricked in some way, it is a signal to the board that you are trying to fool them. It is not appropriate to do this in any way. Your jury will probably be twice your age and have the same amount of work experience as you. It will take no time for them to figure out that you are lying and this moment will be the biggest disaster for you.
12 Be yourself (Don’t imitate)
You establish your identity because of your unique abilities and shortcomings. The identity of the other person is his own strengths and weaknesses. When you try to imitate someone else, you copy his external characteristics and qualities but you are not aware of his inner capabilities and shortcomings. This will create a mismatch and the board will come to know about it. You will not be able to live up to your thoughts and there will be deep differences between your language and your body language. So dear friends, please never try this.
13. Self Belief
If you don’t believe in yourself, you can’t expect others to believe in you and your abilities. So friends, to ensure that you can win the trust and confidence of the board, you must have the strong belief that you have what it takes to become an officer.
Self-confidence does not mean that you remain completely indifferent to the opinions of others. It means determination, not pride. This means that you have a strong belief in completing a task but at the same time, you also know that not only you can do it, others also have the ability to do it. It is important to always keep this subtle difference in mind.
You have to impress the board in such a way that you are not one of those people who accept defeat easily. Often during service, there come such stressful times when a person makes up his mind to leave a job. But this is not expected from an efficient officer.
15. Politeness
Everyone likes a humble person. So if you are polite then everyone will like you. By being polite, you can also erase the negativity that may have formed in the board’s mind about you due to some reason. Humility often masks even your average answer.
16. Fresh and Unique ideas
People with new and different thinking are needed by everyone and they deserve everyone’s praise. This is very much needed in the bureaucracy, which is often accused of maintaining the status quo and having old thinking. Therefore, show the board that you are the officer who can change such an image of bureaucracy.
Point worth noting: It is often seen that while trying to come up with a new idea, the candidate starts giving such suggestions which are either full of stupidity or unconstitutional or take one to the world of imagination. Such thoughts can prove costly for you because there is no place for such a person in civil services.
17. Intellectual Traits
Whenever you express your views on any particular topic, make conscious efforts to ensure that your thoughts are intelligent. Your discussion should not have the feel of a normal formal conversation.
18.Social Traits
You are expected to have not only intellectual qualities but also social qualities. This means that you are a good social being.
19. Suitability To Public Career
Your career in public service is very different from a job in a private company. The biggest difference between the two is that while the former is categorized as a service, the latter is just a job. Therefore, the board would definitely like to check whether you have the necessary qualities for public service or not.
20. Social Cohesion
It is necessary for you to be a person who has harmony of social unity. The land of India is an ocean of diversity and for many different reasons it is the most diverse civilization in the world. Therefore, it is necessary for a public servant to have such a personality who maintains the feeling of unity in these differences.
21. Sensitivity
Often I have heard that candidates have this feeling in their mind that the future officer should show very strictness and toughness. Both these qualities are expected and necessary and you should try to have them in you. But often people make a wrong impression in their mind that being strict means lack of sensitivity in you. This is not correct. You have to be tough but also sensitive. Sensitivity brings in you a feeling of sympathy and empathy towards others and their problems and before making any kind of judgment about them, you put yourself in their place to understand their point of view.
22. Unbiased
A person who is not impartial and completely unfit for civil services. As said earlier, India is a country of diversity. Your subordinates, colleagues, superiors, politicians, executives and the general public will be from different socio-economic categories, and working with them requires that you be impartial in all respects. You will have to convince these people of your impartiality, only then they will be able to express their views openly before you.
23. Character
It is a combination of those qualities and characteristics, which establish the identity of two different people. So the various qualities that are being discussed here, all taken in your own proportion, become your personality.
Therefore, we not only have to try to imbibe good and positive qualities but also have to be conscious of our ratio. I want to explain my statement about ‘ratio’ in detail. For a public servant, both the qualities of efficiency and honesty are required. But a candidate who is ‘less efficient’ but completely honest (honesty ratio is higher) will be given preference over a candidate who is ‘slightly dishonest but more efficient’ (proportion of honesty is higher). Therefore, always keep the ratio of qualities in mind.
24. Integrity
This word is an adjective derived from Latin which means ‘whole’ or ‘completely’. In this form, integrity means a feeling of completeness in the mind which arises from qualities like honesty and steadfastness of character. It is the presence of truth and honesty in a person’s thoughts. as well as. It also means that the person’s thinking is firm and strong and he does not change his stance with the wind. This is the exact opposite of a hypocrite/false character. The quality of integrity is the hallmark of an officer and should never be compromised.
25. Moral Values
You have to impress upon the board that both your upbringing and social environment have made you believe in and believe in the moral values in life.
26. Honesty
I would like to say simply that the famous saying “Honesty is the best policy” completely applies here. The more marks you score for honesty, the better are your chances of being successful.
Never praise your virtues. If the board praises you, thank the board politely and do not let your behavior change.
28. Sincerity of Purpose
There are often allegations of lack of dedication towards work in bureaucracy. You have to assure the Board that you remain loyal to each of your duties and that you are completely efficient.
29.Optimistic Approach
This means that you see the glass as half full, which is half empty for others. Friends, always remember one thing that no situation is so bad that you cannot find something good in it and no situation is so uncontrollable that it cannot be controlled. A future public servant should give this confidence to the Board. It has to be made clear that he is optimistic and no matter what the circumstances are, he can make them normal because his thinking is positive.
You should avoid using phrases like “Nothing can be done about it” or “It is too late to act now”.
30.Clarity Of Thought
This helps in making the answer rational and logical. This means that we are fully aware of our thoughts and opinions on any subject and there is no contradiction in our mind.
I want to explain this by giving an example. A friend of mine, while explaining to me the importance of protecting constitutional values, said that corrupt people should be immediately expelled from their posts. Now this is where a situation of contradiction arises because, on one hand, he talks about a big objective like protecting the constitutional values, while on the other hand, he talks about depriving that person of the statutory/legal process established by law and removing him from the job. wants, the entitlement of which is determined by the Constitution itself
31. Clarity of Expression
This means that you have the ability to express your feelings very clearly in front of the board. This is a very important quality because often due to lack of conceptual clarity, we misunderstand the meaning of very good and new ideas.
34.Balance of Judgment
This is one of the most essential features. I have stressed this many times before. That while taking decision on any particular topic, never take a tough decision on it. Always maintain a proper balance. A natural question is how to achieve this balance? So the answer is that while doing this, keep in mind all its legal, constitutional, ethical, social acceptance and national interest aspects.