What is Stubble burning

Stubble burning is the practice of intentionally setting fire to the remaining straw stubble that remains after grains, such as rice and wheat, have been harvested.

What is reasons stubble burning ?

There are several reasons why farmers practice stubble burning. One reason is that it is a quick and easy way to remove crop residues. Another reason is that it can help to improve soil fertility by adding nutrients to the soil. However, stubble burning also has a number of negative consequences.

First, stubble burning is a major source of air pollution. The smoke from stubble burning contains harmful pollutants such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen oxides. These pollutants can cause a variety of health problems, including respiratory infections, heart disease, and cancer.

Stubble burning problem in india

Stubble burning is a major problem in several Indian states, but it is most common in Punjab, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh. Other states where stubble burning is a problem include Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi.

According to the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Punjab recorded the highest number of stubble burning incidents in 2021-22, with over 71,000 fires. Haryana was second with over 6,900 fires, followed by Uttar Pradesh with over 4,000 fires.

Stubble burning occurs during the winter months, after the rice and wheat harvests. Farmers burn the stubble to clear their fields for the next crop.

 Impact of stubble burning ?

 This practice releases harmful pollutants into the air, which can cause respiratory problems and other health issues for people living in the area.

Second, stubble burning can damage the soil. The fire destroys the organic matter in the soil, which can reduce soil fertility and make it more susceptible to erosion.

Third, stubble burning can contribute to climate change. The smoke from stubble burning contains greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. These gases trap heat in the atmosphere, which contributes to global warming

How to control Stubble burning

some specific measures that can be taken to control stubble burning:

 Promote crop diversification: Farmers should be encouraged to grow a variety of crops, rather than just rice and wheat. This will help to reduce the amount of stubble that needs to be burned.

Provide subsidies for stubble management equipment: Governments can provide subsidies to farmers for equipment such as straw choppers and balers. This will make it easier and more affordable for farmers to manage their stubble without burning it.

Promote sustainable agricultural practices: Governments and agricultural organizations can promote sustainable agricultural practices such as mulch tillage and crop rotation. These practices can help to improve soil fertility and reduce the need to burn stubble.

Provide training to farmers: Farmers can be trained on sustainable stubble management practices. This training can be provided by government agencies, agricultural extension services, and farmer organizations.

Enact and enforce laws against stubble burning: Governments can enact and enforce laws against stubble burning. These laws should include penalties such as fines and imprisonment.

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